美國(guó)博世生物技術(shù)有限公司(BioAssay Systems) 是一家位于北加州灣區(qū)的高新生物技術(shù)公司。博世生物以研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷售高品質(zhì)的生物檢測(cè)制劑為主;公司產(chǎn)品種類齊全,主要用于科學(xué)研究和生物醫(yī)藥開發(fā)。
品牌 | 貨號(hào) | 品名 | 規(guī)格 | 價(jià)格 |
bioassaysys | DSRK-500 | Saccharide Removal Kit | 500 | 2506 |
bioassaysys | DUUR-500 | QuantiChromTM Ultra Urea Assay Kit | 500 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DIUR-500 | QuantiChrom™ Urea Assay Kit | 500 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | C2LD-100 | LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit | 100 | 1526 |
bioassaysys | CQBL-05K | CellQuanti-Blue™ Cell Viability Assay Kits | 5000 | 2730 |
bioassaysys | CQBL-10K | CellQuanti-Blue™ Cell Viability Assay Kits | 10000 | 4326 |
bioassaysys | CQMT-500 | CellQuanti-MTT™ Cell Viability Assay Kits | 500 | 2590 |
bioassaysys | CTTX-050 | Cytotoxicity Control Reagent (Saponin) | 50mg | 1358 |
bioassaysys | D2DH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Lactate Dehydrogenase Kit | 100 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | D2NO-100 | QuantiChrom™ Nitric Oxide Assay Kit | 100 | 4186 |
bioassaysys | D2PD-100 | QuantiChrom™ Peroxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 4326 |
bioassaysys | DACE-100 | QuantiChrom™ Acetylcholinesterase Assay Kit | 100 | 5810 |
bioassaysys | DACP-100 | QuantiChrom™ Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit | 100 | 2366 |
bioassaysys | DADH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Alcohol dehydrogenase Assay Kit | 100 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | DAGD-100 | QuantiChrom™ α-Glucosidase Assay Kit | 100 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | DALP-250 | QuantiChrom™ Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit | 250 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | DAMA-100 | QuantiChrom™ α-Mannosidase Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | DARG-100 | QuantiChrom™ Arginase Assay Kit (100T) | 100 | 4046 |
bioassaysys | DATG-200 | QuantiChrom™ ATPase/GTPase Assay Kit | 200 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | DBGD-100 | QuantiChrom™ β-Glucosidase Assay Kit | 100 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | DBIO-100 | QuantiChrom™ Biotin Assay Kit | 100 | 2926 |
bioassaysys | DBOR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Boron Assay Kit | 100 | 4326 |
bioassaysys | DCAR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Carbonyl Assay Kit | 100 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | DCRM-250 | QuantiChrom™ Chromium Assay Kit | 250 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | DCS3-100 | QuantiFluo™ Caspase-3 Assay Kit | 100 | 3626 |
bioassaysys | DCUT-100 | QuantiFluo™ Cholesterol Uptake Assay Kit | 100 | 3766 |
bioassaysys | DDTR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Detergent Assay Kit. | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DFAN-100 | QuantiChrom™ Free Amino Nitrogen Assay Kit | 100 | 3346 |
bioassaysys | DFFU-100 | QuantiChrom™ Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DFOR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Formaldehyde Assay Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | DFRAP-250 | QuantiChrom™ FRAP Assay Kit | 250 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | DFUC-100 | QuantiChrom™ α-L-Fucosidase Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DGDH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glucose dehydrogenase Assay Kit | 100 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | DGLDH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glutamate dehydrogenase Assay Kit | 100 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | DGLO-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glyoxalase I Assay Kit | 100 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | DGPDH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | DGST-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glutathione S-transferase Assay Kit | 100 | 4186 |
bioassaysys | DHYP-100 | QuantiChrom™Hydroxyproline Assay Kit | 100 | 6286 |
bioassaysys | DIAG-250 | QuantiChrom™ BCG Albumin Assay Kit | 250 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | DIAP-250 | QuantiChrom™ BCP Albumin Assay Kit | 250 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | DIBR-180 | QuantiChrom™ Bilirubin Assay Kit | 180 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | DICA-500 | QuantiChrom™ Calcium Assay Kit | 500 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | DICL-250 | QuantiChrom™ Chloride Assay Kit | 250 | 4186 |
bioassaysys | DICT-500 | QuantiChrom™ Creatinine Assay Kit | 500 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | DICU-250 | QuantiChrom™ Copper Assay Kit | 250 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | DIDC-01K | QuantiChrom™ Indican Assay Kit | 1000 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | DIDC-100 | QuantiChrom™ Indican Assay Kit | 100 | 3906 |
bioassaysys | DIDH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | DIET-500 | QuantiChrom™ Ethanol Assay Kit | 500 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | DIFE-250 | QuantiChrom™ Iron Assay Kit | 250 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | DIGL-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glucose Assay Kit | 100 | 4046 |
bioassaysys | DIGT-250 | QuantiChrom™ Glutathione Assay Kit | 250 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DIHB-250 | QuantiChrom™ Hemoglobin Assay Kit | 250 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | DIHM-250 | QuantiChrom™ Heme Assay Kit | 250 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | DIHY-100 | QuantiChrom™ Hyaluronidase Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit. | 100 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | DIMG-250 | QuantiChrom™ Magnesium Assay Kit | 250 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | DIND-100 | QuantiChrom™ Indole Assay Kit | 100 | 2506 |
bioassaysys | DIOX-250 | QuantiChrom™ Peroxide Assay Kit | 250 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | DIPI-500 | QuantiChrom™ Phosphate Assay Kit | 500 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | DIUA-250 | QuantiChrom™ Uric Acid Assay Kit | 250 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | DIUR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Urea Assay Kit (100T) | 100 | 2506 |
bioassaysys | DIZN-250 | QuantiChrom™ Zinc Assay Kit | 250 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | DLPS-100 | QuantiChrom™ Lipase Assay Kit | 100 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | DNAG-100 | QuantiChrom™ β-N-Acetylglucosaminidase Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DNH3-200 | QuantiFluo™ Ammonia Assay Kit | 200 | 2366 |
bioassaysys | DPCR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Protein Creatinine Ratio Assay Kit | 100 | 8106 |
bioassaysys | DSALY-100 | QuantiChrom™ Salicylate Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | DSDH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Sorbitol Dehydrogenase Assay Kit | 100 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | DSFT-200 | QuantiChrom™ Sulfate Assay Kit | 200 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | DSLA-100 | QuantiChrom™ Sialic Acid Assay Kit | 100 | 6286 |
bioassaysys | DSRK-500 | Saccharide Removal Kit | 500 | 2926 |
bioassaysys | DTAC-100 | QuantiChrom™ Antioxidant Assay Kit | 100 | 4186 |
bioassaysys | DTBA-100 | QuantiChrom™ TBARS Assay Kit | 100 | 3206 |
bioassaysys | DTMB-200 | QuantiChrom™ HRP Detection Reagent | 200 | 2086 |
bioassaysys | DUR2-100 | QuantiChrom™ Urea Assay Kit II | 100 | 2366 |
bioassaysys | DURE-100 | QuantiChrom™ Urease Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | DWHB-250 | QuantiChrom™ Whole Blood Hb Kit | 250 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | E2ADP-100 | EnzyChrom™ ADP Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | E2CH-100 | EnzyChrom™ AF Cholesterol Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | E2GN-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glycogen Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | E2HL-100 | EnzyChrom™ AF HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit | 100 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | E2ND-100 | EnzyChrom™ NAD/NADH Assay Kit | 100 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | E2ST-100 | EnzyChrom™ Starch Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | E4EBP-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse 4EBP1(S65) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EACL-100 | EnzyChrom™ Acetylcholine Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | EACO-100 | EnzyChrom™ Aconitase Assay Kit | 100 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | EACT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Acetaldehyde Assay Kit | 100 | 4186 |
bioassaysys | EADP-100 | EnzyLight™ ADP Assay Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | EAKT1-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse AKT1(S473) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit. | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EALA-100 | EnzyChrom™ L-Alanine Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | EALT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Alanine Transaminase Assay Kit | 100 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | EAMPK-100 | EnzyFluo™ AMPK Phosphorylation Assay Kit | 100 | 7126 |
bioassaysys | EAPL-200 | EnzyChrom™ Adipolysis Assay Kit | 200 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | EASC-100 | EnzyChrom™ Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | EASP-100 | EnzyChrom™ Aspartate Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | EASTR-100 | EnzyChrom™ Aspartate Transaminase Assay Kit | 100 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | EATP-100 | EnzyLight™ ATP Assay Kit | 100 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | EBGL-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glucose Assay Kit | 100 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | ECAM-100 | EnzyChrom™ α-Amylase Assay Kit | 100 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | ECAT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Catalase Assay Kit | 100 | 4326 |
bioassaysys | ECCH-100 | EnzyChrom™ Cholesterol Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ECET-100 | EnzyChrom™ Ethanol Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | ECGL-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glycolysis Assay Kit | 100 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | ECGR-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glutathione Reductase Kit | 100 | 4046 |
bioassaysys | ECHO-100 | EnzyChrom™ Choline Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ECIC-100 | EnzyChrom™ Isocitrate Assay Kit | 100 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | ECIT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Citrate Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | ECLC-100 | EnzyChrom™ Lactate Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ECNP-100 | EnzyChrom™ NADP/NADPH Assay Kit | 100 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | ECOA-100 | EnzyChrom™ Coenzyme A Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ECOL-100 | EnzyFluo™ Collagen Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ECPK-100 | EnzyChrom™ Creatine Kinase Assay Kit | 100 | 6566 |
bioassaysys | ECRT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Creatine Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | ECTX-100 | EnzyLight™ Cytotoxicity Assay Kit | 100 | 3626 |
bioassaysys | EDAA-100 | EnzyChrom™ D-Amino Acid Assay Kit | 100 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | EDLC-100 | EnzyChrom™ D-Lactate Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | EERK-100 | EnzyFluo™ ERK Phosphorylation Assay Kit | 100 | 7266 |
bioassaysys | EFAC-100 | EnzyFluo™ Acetaldehyde Assay Kit | 100 | 4046 |
bioassaysys | EFBA-100 | EnzyFluo™ Bile Acid Assay Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EFC1M-100 | EnzyFluo™ Custom Cell-Based ELISA Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | EFC2R-100 | EnzyFluo™ Custom Cell-Based ELISA Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | EFDLC-100 | EnzyFluo™ D-Lactate Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | EFFA-100 | EnzyChrom™ Free Fatty Acid Assay Kit | 100 | 5726 |
bioassaysys | EFGU-100 | EnzyFluo™ Glucose Uptake Assay Kit | 100 | 9226 |
bioassaysys | EFIC-100 | EnzyFluo™ Isocitrate Assay Kit | 100 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | EFLLC-100 | EnzyFluo™ L-Lactate Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | EFMR-100 | EnzyChrom™ Fumarase Assay Kit | 100 | 6986 |
bioassaysys | EFND-100 | EnzyFluo™ NAD/NADH Assay Kit | 100 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | EFOR-100 | EnzyChrom™ Formate Assay Kit | 100 | 6286 |
bioassaysys | EFRU-100 | EnzyChrom™ Fructose Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | EFUM-100 | EnzyChrom™ Fumarate Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | EG6P-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | EGAL-100 | EnzyChrom™ Galactose Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | EGL2-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glucose Assay Kit II | 100 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | EGL3-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glucose Assay Kit III | 100 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | EGLD-100 | EnzyChrom™ Gliadin ELISA Kit | 100 | 7826 |
bioassaysys | EGLN-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glutamine Assay Kit | 100 | 6286 |
bioassaysys | EGLT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glutamate Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | EGLY-200 | EnzyChrom™ Glycerol Assay Kit | 200 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | EGOX-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glucose Oxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | EGPX-100 | EnzyChrom™ Glutahione Peroxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 4326 |
bioassaysys | EGSK3A-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse GSK3A(S21) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit. | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EGSK3B-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse GSK3B(S9) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EGTT-100 | EnzyChrom™ GSH/GSSG Assay Kit | 100 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | EGTT-SCVG | EGTT-Scavenger for GSH/GSSG Assays (EGTT-100) | 100 | 1106 |
bioassaysys | EHDL-100 | EnzyChrom™ HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EHIS-100 | EnzyChrom™ Histamine Assay Kit | 100 | 5726 |
bioassaysys | EIAL-100 | QuantiChrom™ Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibitor Screening Kit | 100 | 4046 |
bioassaysys | EICT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Creatinine Assay Kit | 100 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | EIMO-100 | EnzyChrom™ Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor Screening Kit | 100 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | EINO-100 | EnzyChrom™ Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibitor Screening Kit | 100 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | EIPM-100 | EnzyChrom™ Intestinal Permeability Assay Kit | 100 | 8806 |
bioassaysys | EIVT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Invertase Assay Kit | 100 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | EKBD-100 | EnzyChrom™ Ketone Body Assay Kit | 100 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | EKIN-400 | EnzyChrom™ Kinase Assay Kit | 400 | 3906 |
bioassaysys | ELAA-100 | EnzyChrom™ L-Amino Acid Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | ELAC-100 | EnzyChrom™ Lactose Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | ELDT-100 | EnzyLight™ ADP/ATP Ratio Assay Kit | 100 | 4886 |
bioassaysys | ELKB1-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse LKB1(S431) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | ELTL-100 | EnzyChrom™ Lactulose Assay Kit | 100 | 6846 |
bioassaysys | EMAL-100 | EnzyChrom™ Malate Assay Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | EMAO-100 | EnzyChrom™ Monoamine Oxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | EMDH-100 | EnzyChrom™ Malate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit | 100 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | EMLT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Maltose Assay Kit | 100 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | EMNT-100 | EnzyChrom™ D-Mannitol Assay Kit | 100 | 6146 |
bioassaysys | EMPO-100 | EnzyFluoTM Myeloperoxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | ENEU-100 | EnzyChrom™ Neuraminidase Assay Kit | 100 | 6706 |
bioassaysys | ENFKB-100 | EnzyFluo™ NFkB Phosphorylation Assay Kit | 100 | 7126 |
bioassaysys | ENH3-100 | EnzyChrom™ Ammonia Assay Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | ENOS-100 | EnzyChrom™ Nitric Oxide Synthase Assay Kit | 100 | 5726 |
bioassaysys | EOAA-100 | EnzyChrom™ Oxaloacetate Assay Kit | 100 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | EOAC-100 | EnzyChrom™ Acetate Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | EOXA-100 | EnzyChrom™ Oxalate Assay Kit | 100 | 7406 |
bioassaysys | EPHE-100 | EnzyChrom™ Phenylalanine Assay Kit | 100 | 5026 |
bioassaysys | EPLP-100 | EnzyChrom™ Phospholipd Assay Kit | 100 | 5866 |
bioassaysys | EPNT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Peanut ELISA Kit | 100 | 7826 |
bioassaysys | EPPD-100 | EnzyChrom™ Phospholipase D Assay Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | EPRK-100 | EnzyChrom™ Pyruvate Kinase Assay Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | EPYR-100 | EnzyChrom™ Pyruvate Assay Kit | 100 | 5166 |
bioassaysys | ERBT-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse RB(T821/826) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | ERPS6-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human/Mouse RPS6(S235/236) Phosphorylation ELISA | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | ESBT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Sorbitol Assay Kit | 100 | 6006 |
bioassaysys | ESHP2-100 | EnzyFluo™ Human SHP2 (Y542) Phosphorylation ELISA Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | ESLA-100 | EnzyChrom™ Sialic Acid Assay Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | ESNT-100 | EnzyChrom™ Succinate Assay Kit | 100 | 7966 |
bioassaysys | ESOD-100 | EnzyChrom™ Superoxide Dismutase Assay Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | ESUC-100 | EnzyChrom™ Sucrose Assay Kit | 100 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ETGA-200 | EnzyChrom™ Triglyceride Assay Kit | 200 | 5586 |
bioassaysys | ETRP-100 | EnzyFluo™ Tryptophan Assay Kit | 100 | 7406 |
bioassaysys | EUR3-100 | EnzyChrom™ Urea Assay Kit III | 100 | 4186 |
bioassaysys | EXAN-100 | EnzyChrom™ Xanthine Assay Kit | 100 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | EXOX-100 | EnzyChrom™ Xanthine Oxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | FACP-100 | QuantiFluo™ Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit | 100 | 1946 |
bioassaysys | I1000N | Urinary Indican Test Kit | 20 | 3766 |
bioassaysys | IACE-100 | QuantiChrom™ Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor Assay Kit | 100 | 4746 |
bioassaysys | IARG-100 | QuantiChrom™ Arginase Inhibitor Screening Kit | 100 | 3346 |
bioassaysys | IGPDH-100 | QuantiChrom™ Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor Screening Kit | 100 | 5306 |
bioassaysys | MPA-2G | Meta-Phosphoric Acid | 100 | 1246 |
bioassaysys | PAMPA-096 | Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA) Kit | 96 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | PHIVA-1mL | Phosphatase Inhibitor (Sodium Orthovanadate) | NA | 826 |
bioassaysys | PMBBB-096 | Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay-BBB Kit | 96 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | PMSKN-096 | Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay-Skin Kit | 96 | 5446 |
bioassaysys | POMG-25H | Malachite Green Phosphate Assay Kit | 2500 | 3486 |
bioassaysys | POPB-500 | PiBlue™ Phosphate Assay Kit | 500 | 3206 |
bioassaysys | POPN-01K | pNPP Phosphatase Assay Kit | 1000 | 4466 |
bioassaysys | POPN-500 | pNPP Phosphatase Assay Kit | 500 | 3206 |
bioassaysys | QCPR-500 | QuantiChrom™ Protein Assay Kit | 500 | 3206 |
bioassaysys | QFALP-6mL | QuantiFluo™ ALP Detection Reagent | 600 | 1666 |
bioassaysys | QFAP-100 | QuantiFluo™ Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit | 100 | 2926 |
bioassaysys | QFDN-250 | QuantiFluo™ DNA Assay Kit | 250 | 4606 |
bioassaysys | QFDO-100 | QuantiFluo™ Diamine Oxidase Assay Kit | 100 | 6426 |
bioassaysys | QFHRP-25mL | QuantiFluo™ HRP Detection Reagent | 500 | 3206 |
bioassaysys | QFPR-200 | QuantiFluo™ Protein Assay Kit | 200 | 2086 |
bioassaysys | QTPR-01K | QuantiChrom™ Total Protein Assay Kit | 1000 | 2786 |
bioassaysys | QTPR-100 | QuantiChrom™ Total Protein Assay Kit | 100 | 1246 |
bioassaysys | SLDL-100 | SuperLight™ Dual Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit | 100 | 2366 |
bioassaysys | SLLU-01K | SuperLight™ Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit | 1000 | 6286 |
bioassaysys | SLLU-200 | SuperLight™ Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit | 200 | 2366 |
bioassaysys | SLLU-500 | SuperLight™ Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit | 500 | 4046 |
bioassaysys | 2MLET-10 | Empty Tubes (10) | 10 | 0 |
bioassaysys | CARB-10 | Carbon Powder | 10 | 196 |
bioassaysys | CTFG | Mini Centrifuge | N/A | 210 |
bioassaysys | EDTA-150 | 0.5M EDTA | 150 µL | 490 |
bioassaysys | PVPP-10 | PVPP Powder | 10 | 168 |
bioassaysys | P96BCC | Microtiter Plates (P96BCC) | 96Well | 168 |
bioassaysys | P96CCC | Microtiter Plates (P96CCC) | 96Well | 238 |
bioassaysys | P96FL | Microtiter Plates (P96FL) | 96Well | 238 |
bioassaysys | P96OD | Microtiter Plates (P96OD) | 96Well | 98 |
bioassaysys | P96UV | Microtiter Plates (P96UV) | 96Well | 70 |
bioassaysys | P96WT | Microtiter Plates (P96WT) | 96Well | 294 |
bioassaysys | TP100 | 100µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 98 |
bioassaysys | TP1000 | 1000µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 168 |
bioassaysys | TP20 | 20µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 168 |
bioassaysys | TP200 | 200µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 168 |
bioassaysys | TP300 | 300µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 168 |
bioassaysys | TP400 | 400µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 168 |
bioassaysys | TP50 | 50µL Transfer Pipettes | N/A | 168 |
bioassaysys | DH2O-10 | Deionized Water | 10 | 168 |
bioassaysys | EPP-50 | Eppendorf Tubes (50) | 50 | 168 |
bioassaysys | PCR-50 | PCR Tubes (50) | 50 | 168 |